What's the xcode version, xcode compile cocos2d-x3.13

I make ios developer, please ask for what’s the xcode version, the cocos2d-x version is cocos2d-x 3.13.1.

You can use whatever version of Xcode you please. Just create your cocos2d-x project, then open the Xcode project inside the proj.ios-mac folder.

Thanks, yes. I do this use xcode 8.0, run simulater ios10 , It’s fps low 20.
and compile project show many warning.

I always get poor performance running in the iOS simulator. Try running on a real device, or on the desktop target, and you should see better results.

In Xcode, I admit I filter warnings out and only care about errors, but I’ve never had a problem that way.

Yes, use real hardware. You can’t reliably ship a game just using the simulator. To risky.

look here for version info: http://cocos2d-x.org/docs/cocos2d-x/en/installation/prerequisites.html

Thank you very much.