What is the difference between CCTextureCache::sharedTextureCache() and CCSpriteFrameCache::sharedSpriteFrameCache()

I saw that some examples in the TestCpp are using CCTextureCache::sharedTextureCache()
while allot of tutorials are using CCSpriteFrameCache::sharedSpriteFrameCache()
when i know what to use what ?

I’m not totally sure, but I think sprite frame cache is the spritesheets metadata (plist), while the texture cache is the texture itself.

From reading the 3.0 code, it appears to be:

TextureCache holds all loaded images/sprite sheets.

SpriteBatchNode has it’s image in a TextureCache, but makes it easy for Cocos to batch draw calls.

SpriteFrameCache holds all the image positions on sprite sheets, so you don’t have to get the individual image frames with hard-coded coordinates.

Sprites are created from the SpriteFrameCache to make it easy to access them.

It seems as though you can load textures into the TextureCache async, then afterwards call SpriteFrameCache addSpriteFramesWithFile which will automatically search for an existing loaded texture instead of loading a new one. This is handy if you load all your assets at the start of an app with a progress bar or don’t want to lock up the platform.

Just remember that SpriteBatchNodes do all their draws at once. For example, if you have a sprite from batch node A between two sprites from batch node B, then B will have two draw calls. If you only have a couple sprites it may not affect you, but many sprites with this drawing problem will have a big performance impact.


According to the 3.0 docs, they are now recommending against SpriteBatchNode, because of the new renderer:

We rewrote the renderer from scratch. The Render graph was decoupled from the Scene graph. That means that auto-batching is supported, finally :-) And the new renderer is so fast, that we no longer encourage the use of SpriteBatchNode.

I’m guessing we should just use a TextureCache and SpriteFrameCache, unless someone knows different.