what is the best way to scale sprite from the center even if its anchor point is 0,0?

i have child sprite with anchor point is 0,0 i what to scale it down .
from the center , but when i change the anchor point is 0.5,0.5?
the position of the sprite jumps to the prev sprite anchor point is 0,0.
any ways what i need to do to make the animation from the center
do i need to calculate the position again ?
like this this link?

answering to my self again
after trying and looking at some source codes it no better way then calculate the position of the sprite after changing the anchor point to 0.5,0.5 ( center )
for me it was :


You can also use


This way you be positioning you sprite as though it had (0, 0) anchor point, and other transformations will be done with the actual anchor point.

Hey and thanks for your replay , but i read in the 2.1.5 API that its only supports
CCLayer and CCScene