What is default phys engine in 3.0?

Hi, as the title says, whats the default engine? Quite confusing there is no word about it. I only read that

Things have been changed in Cocos2d-x 3.0, with Physics Integration packing Chipmunk and Box2D into Cocos2d-x 3.0. Game developers don’t need to concern about which physics engine will be used or call the engine API directly.

But which engine is default no word.


our integrated engine is the default. If you need to switch, please see: http://cocos2d-x.org/programmersguide/12/

So not Chipmunk and not Box2d? Hmm ok, thanks.


If you want Box2D, I think that you can disable the internal physics and download Box2D and use it. I’m actually not sure about if we still include it without going and looking. I will look into this.

Actually i dont want to switch. I was just curious which engine is used by default. I supposed it is Chipmunk. But, since i cannot call the phys enging methods etc directly (if i dont include phys engine myself as you say) probably does not matter which engine is default then.

Because i can call anyway only the prepared methods and classes, like PhysicsBody:: PhysicsShape:: etc.

And there was no info about default phys engine, so people can be confused about that.

Thanks. I will note this in the Programmers Guide.