What features do you wish Cocos2d-x provided?

Video support for win32 and mac (+possibly android and ios). This is crucial for many large scale desktop games.

A small one, but I think so many apps do this, itā€™s definitely worthwhile:

  • Cross-platform API to open a URL.

Please add Transition for popScene

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Enhancements to texts would be great

  1. Flowing text) Like how in RPGs, text flow letter by letter on to the screen to form the sentence. The flowing movement pleases the eyes a lot more than just static appearance of text

  2. Vertical text) Traditional Chinese / Korean / Japanese scriptures have text flowing from top to bottom, right to left. It would be great if an option to display text vertically could be implemented to produce such traditional atmosphere.

More sophisticated ui, for example add scrollbar to the cocos2d::ui::ScrollView,ā€¦

This might be slightly OT, but what about a package repo for third-party code? (Like npm, rubygems, pypi, cocoapods, etc: my personal favorite is npm). It can be built into cocos-cli. Imagine building up extensions based on versioned dependencies :blush: . Surely this would encourage more open-sourcing of components and minimize re-inventing the wheel. A lot of the things people are requesting here could be implemented as extensions (packages) to keep the core lean, while still having the visibility it needs to get used, instead of just on GitHub or some zip file dl somewhere.

This has been discussed before, but obviously an official endorsement would go a long way before committing to the work-load.

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Thanks everyone for the continued feedback!

I thought Iā€™d start one a while back, called it cocoSeeds. Didnā€™t get far, though.

Thanks incredible game engine.

I want drawing rounded rect with sprite, but there are no code.
If add it, cocos2d-x will be more perfect engine.

Please provide the desicription of member functions and classes for integrated physics in the api documentation.

Right upto 3.1.1 the physics api was not integrated with the general cocos2d-x api, but it got solved in cocos2dx 3.2 rc0

but the description of the physics contents are missing.
please fix it by 3.2 stable releaseā€¦ :smile:

@pabitrapadhy - posting your requests in 1 topic is enough. Posting in multiple topics just confuses things.

oopsā€¦ soryā€¦ :stuck_out_tongue:

i posted it hereā€¦ later i found thatā€¦ there is an announcement for the improvement of wiki and api.

Better socket support.

We have a tutorial that should help with this feature for now https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QdrCZvOXssY&index=12&list=PLRtjMdoYXLf4vzkg0wdBrp7YoOThOLf4H

Thanks @SonarSystems

Maybe a dedicated ā€œAPI engineerā€? That person would be responsible in making sure all API naming conventions are sane and consistent.

I donā€™t mind sending my naming suggestions, but it will be chaos if everyone sends what they feel is better.

I am saying this because I recently started using the CocosGUI API, and there are quite a few issues there, like:

Widget::ccWidgetTouchCallback callback): Thatā€™s typing widget twice. Once is enough.

Widget::addTouchEventListener: In Cocoa, addTarget actually adds the target. In this method, it just sets the callback. It should be renamed or fixed to actually add an event listener.

Yes, I can see that. I know that naming conventions and standardizing has been discussed on how to prefix, name, cleanup, etc. Thanks for chiming in.

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Thanks @dotsquid

Actually, cocos2d-x has the timeScale feature. It was added a few years ago. It is part of the Scheduler:

Regarding feature request #2, what would be your ideal workflow ? Thanks!

Ah, thanks. I had no idea itā€™s already implemented.

Regarding the problem of updates:

Thanks. Iā€™ll keep it in mind.