What does "if (this._super())" do?

I see this line of code a lot in the JsMoonWarriors example? What exactly does it do?

That depends on which function this _super have been invoked.

For example, if in init function of MyLayer, _super signify the overrided init function of cc.Layer

var MyLayer = cc.Layer.extend({
    init : function () {

Yeah it’s usually used in the init function when extending cc.Layer. For example this code is from the AboutLayer.js:

var AboutLayer = cc.Layer.extend({
    init:function () {
        var bRet = false;
        if (this._super()) {

My question is why is it wrapped in if(), it is obviously asking if _super() is returning true or not, why is it doing that?

That signify whether the super’s init have succeeded, if yes, it will continue the initialization process, otherwise it will abandon.