Welcome To The New Forums!

Hello Everyone.

Welcome to the new Forums. The upgrade to Discourse was successful. Please help me thank Patrick Zhang for all his effort in performing the upgrade.

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Thank you Patrick Zhang!

The new look is so cool !!!

Neat look. Can you make code boxes not wrap lines though?

Hmm the new forum structure has invalidated google search results that point to the cocos2d-x forums. Hopefully that resolves itself as google updates its pages!

@duckinferno Thanks for the feedback, I’ll bring this up tomorrow to the maintainer

I like the bright design. I like the new avatars.

I do not like the lack of smiles, they were cute.
A I think there should be 2 references instead of one at the top of the page - one to go to the Cocos site home page, and one to go to the main page of the forum.

And thanks to Patrick Zhang!

Are you Hao ?

Well done!
This is great news!

So, I guess the history of my topics and replies is lost now. Yay.

No your topic and replies is exists. You can search to get it.

I am working on rebuild topics list in your profile.

Simple, Clear, Fashion!
i like the new forum!

I found the new forums to be funky and cool, since it is not that simple, it would take a little while to get accustomed… But I love the new style :wink:

Hey!! I found that notifications button on the top-right of the home page is removed. Please add it. I am seeing that you’ve added notifications button only in the forums top-right. It was very helpful and convenient on the home page.

We switching to new forum system, which is incompatitiable with original notification.

I’ve take it (a global notification badget) into my schedule.


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Now the original forum url is direct to its new url in new one.

Have a try & thx!

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I’ll love to see the cocos smilies too, but for the mean time, this forum supports emoji,

just press : key, it will bring up frequent smilies up :blush:


Nice upgrade… good job!

How i can set notifications on e-mail like previously?