WebSocket Test - fails with 'an error was fired, code:1'

Please answer these questions to help fix this issue:
When I run the cocos2d_tests on XCode inside a iPhone Simulator, the message on screen shows:
‘an error was fired, code:1’

The error on the console says:
[1400771829:9018] ERR: libwebsockets not configured for ssl
cocos2d: Error was fired, error code: 1
cocos2d: websocket instance (0xce1a4b0) closed.

What’s the engine version?
branch: v3 commit: b7cd118

How to reproduce it?
Build the cocos2d_tests.xcode project and run it on the iPhone Simulator, Select the ‘Extensions->WebSocketTest’

I faced with the exactly same problem.
Cocos2d-x doesn’t support wss://〜 officially? Should we rebuild libwebsockets with enabled SSL option?