[Vote]Cocos2d-x future: C++ or JavaScript

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See https://github.com/search?utf8=✓&q="game+engine"&type=
More than 15,000 game engine github projects

Does that not constitute a “long list”?

I’ve talked about this.

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I’m not following you?
You said:

I was just pointing out that there are more than 15,000 game engines already being developed by individuals - so it is far from impossible to take a fork of an existing engine and maintain it.
I do understand how difficult it would be - but far far easier to continue development of an existing engine (i.e. cocos) than to develop a new one…

I wasn’t actually suggesting that those individuals should maintain a new fork - but that they were (pretty much) sole developers of Cocos at one time - so it is demonstrably possible for individuals to develop and maintain a game engine.

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@walzer any comments?

p.s. any admins can fix this topic? It’s closes & reopens which is awkward.

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I think that it would be much more easier to create a new engine from scratch than trying to maintain the mounstrous code base cocos has right now.

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This is my dream, too.


Hi guys,

What did you do for your dreams?

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