Visual Studio 2013 + Cocos2D-X 3.3 (C++) Beta Compile Times

Hey guys,

Every time I edit something in my source, the WHOLE solution compiles again. Did something change in recent builds of Cocos? Any advice how to fix this problem?

Found the solution!

After manually building the libraries, I did this:

That’s an unpleasant solution. Do you have Incremental Rebuilds turned off?

Where to check that?

Are you loading up your project from a network share? I know I had similar issue with constantly rebuilding all libraries related to running VS inside Parallels on a Mac and loading the project from my (network shared folder) home directory. I’ve since moved to pulling down a separate git clone and it now only builds files/projects that have actually changed.

@stevetranby makes a very good point here. Build should only build modified files and projects. If something is blocking Visual Studio’s ability to detect modifications, it will cause rebuilds.

If you have “Link Incrementally” not selected (/INCREMENTAL:NO) you will see additional, unnecessary build steps.

No network share or virtualization here. The closest thing whould be that project is inside dropbox folder, BUT I only open dropbox when I need to sync files - in every other case dropbox isn’t enabled. Unless there is some background service which constantly screws with the files.

Currently I’m at work, so I can’t check the “Link Incrementally” switch, but will do when I get home, and will reply here.

For me, this problem has started around v3.1 or v3.2, and is troubling me ever since. That could mean that around that time something changed in VS template.

/INCREMENTAL:NO was set in Cocos2D-X, but wasn’t set in my project. Unfortunately, even with switch turned off in my project, the whole solution was still being rebuild :frowning: