Value from one node to another

Can any body tell me, how can I use the value saved in one node be use in another node. Being specific, if I use mouse event and generate a value in one object, how can i use that in another object?

It is very simple , assume you have component class that store mouse position as following code

    extends: cc.Component,
    properties: {
        mousePos: cc.p(0,0)

also a component that you want to access the mousePos from it

var mousePos = require("MousePos.component") 
    extends: cc.Component,
    properties: {
        mousePosNode: {
           type: mousePos
        label: {
           default: null,
           type: cc.Label

     this.label.string = this.mousePosNode.mousPos;

where mousePosNode is the node that has MousePos.component component.
also you can use this.mousePosNode.getComponent("MousePos.component").mousePos if the type of mousePosNode is cc.Node .

Thank you very much, it was very helpful.