v3 RC0 issues with LabelTTF and some Sprite color depth

I have a few issues with RC0 and which also persist in latest download from GitHUB (if I download code as a complete zip).

I use LabelTTF a lot right now like:

_coinLabel = cocos2d::LabelTTF::create(_coinString.c_str(), "Marker Felt",32);
_coinLabel->setColor(some custom 3B color);

With Beta 2 everything was fine. Now with RC0 my labels are showing up different shades of colors and they dont look quite the same. The font is duller and looks smaller, some show up the correct color I specify others dont.

Also, along the same lines, now some of my sprite png’s are showing up weird shades. Example, one should be brown and it is loading a bit red looking. One is green and loading a much darker green.

Here is an example of what I do to create:

    // bux label and sprite
    _buxLabel = cocos2d::LabelTTF::create(_buxString.c_str(), "Marker Felt",
                                           (32 * APPDIRECTORINSTANCE->getScaleFactor()));


    _coinLabel->addChild(_buxLabel, 0);

                                           _coinLabel->getPosition().y -
                                          80 * APPDIRECTORINSTANCE->getScaleFactor()));
    _buxSprite = cocos2d::Sprite::createWithSpriteFrameName("bux.png");
    _buxLabel->addChild(_buxSprite, 0);
    _buxSprite->setPosition(cocos2d::Point(_buxLabel->getContentSize().width +
                                           30 * APPDIRECTORINSTANCE->getScaleFactor(),
                                           _buxLabel->getContentSize().height / 2));

In 3.0rc0, the implementation of LableTTF is Label. LabelTTF will be deprecated in stable version.
So it may be a bug of Label. We will check out it.
Thanks for your feedback.

Could you please paste a demo to reproduce it?

what seems to be happening is that ->setColor() doesn’t seem to being obeyed in all instances. But them other times, it is obvious the color changed but the depth of the color is off. Example…yellow is becoming orange

// bux label and sprite
cocos2d::LabelTTF* _buxLabel = cocos2d::LabelTTF::create("Testing", "Marker Felt", 32);
_buxLabel->setColor(cocos2d::Color3B(255, 215, 0));
_buxLabel->setPosition(cocos2d::Point(100, 100);

cocos2d::Sprite* _buxSprite = cocos2d::Sprite::createWithSpriteFrameName("bux.png");

_buxLabel->addChild(_buxSprite, 0);

_buxSprite->setPosition(cocos2d::Point(_buxLabel->getContentSize().width + 30,
									   _buxLabel->getContentSize().height / 2));

In this code, the ‘_buxLabel’ font is a different shade that the setColor() that was applied to it

Also, the “bux.png”, open it up and look at the color it really is.
Now run the code and see the color of the sprite is not the same, it is darker and the green color is not the same either.

Both of these started with v3 rc0.

OS X 10.9.2, XCode 5.1, targetting ios 7.

related to this…this code works fine in ios simulator, but doesn’t work on my ios device. Before v3 rc0 everything was fine.

Thanks for your feedback.I will fix it ASAP.

@slackmoehrle I create a ticket at http://cocos2d-x.org/issues/4434.

@WenHai, Can I report anymore on this for you? I might have a few screenshots of before and after…

@slackmoehrle I fixed it at https://github.com/cocos2d/cocos2d-x/pull/5860. Could you test the issue apply the PQ? Thanks very much.

sure, let me pull it down.

@WenHai - works great.