v3.0. To update scene with minimal content it takes 0.017 sec to proceed.

I’m using Cocos2DX 3.0 and faced the following problem:
To update scene with minimal content it takes 0.017 sec to proceed. No matter how many objects are drawn, this time from stats information is still near 0.017. Is it possible to decrease this value, or I just need to wait until v3.0 turns stable?

hey.png (30.7 KB)

This value is bounded by v-sync which is enabled by default in Cocos2dx. Nowadays the majority of displays have 60Hz frequency, that’s why you’ve got 0.017 sec (1.0 / 60.0).
Actually this is not the problem at all. There is no sane reason to have more than 60 FPS in video-games, especially on handheld devices. It’s more important to have stable framerate without noticable spikes than to have over9000 maximum FPS.

I know that 0.017 is perfect, but in version 2.x this value is a convenient indicator of code performance. It is usefull to see for example how many sprites can be added as long as they do not become too much. I just want this handy tool back for test reasons.

You still can : as long as this value remains unchanged you are good to add more. As soon as it starts rising you will know that you are reaching the limit.

Generally true. Thanks for the replies.

actually RC1 has the same problem. Funny thing is that after moving the app into background once or twice (iPhone 4s) the counter goes down to 0.004 sec. Any idea why?