using XAML in my cocos2dx game

Hello Friends,

I have successfully created my game “Greedy Bunny” on android and IPhone. Now i am porting my game on windows phone 8. Till now i have ported my game files (same files that i have used on android and iphone) in visual studio 2012 professional and my game is running on real device. But the problem i am facing is that the template that is been created does not have any XAML file in it. I need XAML to integrate adView(admob) and other features like in-app purchase n facebook sdk.
I am using cocos2d-2.2.2 and visual studio 2012 professional edition.
Please suggest me way by which i can access native features of windows phone 8 and other frameworks like admob, facebook, in-app purchase.

I have also seen that there is a problem with HTTP connection in this cocos2dx version.

Thank you

Best Regards
Suveer Jacob

Hi, there is wp8-xamp project in [cocos path]\template\multi-platform-cpp. Copy this folder to your project folder and rename files as you need. Also, there is a curllib for wp8 instead of HTTP classes:

@Alex Zverev:

The link doesn’t work.

Thanx Alex for your reply but the link does not work…

other link: