Use another app in my cocos app

I’d like to make a connection to, and playstore AppleStore in my game.
I’ve seen some forum topics but none helped me.
Is there any class in COCOS2DX that I can use to connect the other app stores or in the device?

I want to create a button that open me:
playstore in android
appstore in ios.

excuse my english.

I don’t have a link at hand, but there were a few topics about this. What you want to do, in general, is open a webpage, and both platforms will see that this link points to their store, so the system will open AppStore/GooglePlay for you. To achieve this you will have to call Obj-C/Java from C++ and tell your app to open the page from there.

I used the code [[]] Agora JNI Helper complains that:

Failed to find static method id of openURL

someone can help me?