Update project to cocos2d-x 3.4?

I am using cocos code ide 1.1.0. The project is a cocos2d-x 3.3 lua project.
I downloaded the new cocos2d-x 3.4 files (github) with download-dependencies and git init submodule.
I changed the engine lua version in cocos code ide to cocos2d-x 3.4. I used the cocos tools in cocos code ide to update the project to cocos2d-x 3.4. After the update process I started the simulator (which says that it’s cocos2d-x 3.4rc1. It’s also not working because I get a error that something in Cocos2dConstants.lua is wrong.

Any ideas? Does cocos code ide does need an update to work with newer cocos2d-x versions?

I tried it now with the official version of 3.4 from the download-page (it’s not linked, but you can download it nevertheless ^^ http://www.cocos2d-x.org/filedown/cocos2d-x-3.4.zip

After that I upgraded the project via cocos code ide.

As you can see there is an error in Cocos2dConstant.lua and the simulator says that the engine has version 3.4rc1?
Additionally the cocos code IDE says that it can’t find cocos2d-x 3.4. Any help?

The cocos console shows this error:
cocos2d: fullPathForFilename: No file found at config.json. Possible missing file.
cocos2d: fullPathForFilename: No file found at config.json. Possible missing file.
Get data from file(config.json) failed, error code is 3
But the config.json is in the project folder.
@nite @yuxin_support


I removed

cc.AsyncTaskPool.TaskType =
    TASK_IO = 0,
    TASK_OTHER = 2,
    TASK_MAX_TYPE = 3,  

from the cocos2dconstants.lua. Now it works! (Cocos Code IDE still shows the config.json and the cocos2d-x 3.4 error…). I tried the new cocos studio 2.1 and published the files. Now I get following error.

Looks like 3.4 and cocos studio 2.1 needs some more work… ^^
I will revert back to cocos2d-x 3.3 and cocos studio 2.1 beta :frowning:

I was using 3.3, now I downloaded 3.4 on freshly installed windows and I had some issues with it. First of all generated project didn’t contain win8-xaml project.
Sadly I had to revert back to 3.3 and cocos studio 2.1 beta.

It does not generate win8.1-universal too. Why??

I added

cc.AsyncTaskPool = cc.AsyncTaskPool or {}
cc.AsyncTaskPool.TaskType =
TASK_IO = 0,

Ooookay, Cocos Code IDE 1.2.0 is released and supports cocos 2d-x 3.4. Thats lovely! Sad there wasn’t an announcement…

I think I found the culprit of the error message, that the CSLoader-Stuff is old. It’s the libcocos2d.dll in the win32-directory of the simulator (project/runtime/win32). I searched github-repositories of cocos2d-x and chukong to find the libcocos2d.dll and I think i found it. If I am correct, this repository https://github.com/chukong/cocos-runtime-bin is used for the cocos2d-x releases, isn’t it? The files in this repository are for cocos2d-x 3.4rc1 and not for cocos2d-x 3.4 final. And that’s also the reason why the simulator isn’t working.

I copied the libcocos2d.dll and other files from the new cocos 2.1 simulator folder and ---- it worked :smiley:
So pls update this repository, I want to use the engine version (not the framework version of cocos2d-x) and use the simulator.


PS: I am searching since 3 days and no one from the “official” cocos2d-x team answered in this thread. That’s a bit sad you lot!

Ok what about windows phone?

sorry, i have no idea…

@dualface Could you pls take a look?