unwanted SoundPool Messages in logcat

I have this message in logcat for every sound play with cocosdension! How can i prevent it? (I want to prevent it for performance issue)
I can not find the codes that generate this message!

V/SoundPool-JNI(2693): android_media_SoundPool_play
V/SoundPool(2693): sampleID=1, leftVolume=1.000000, rightVolume=1.000000, priority=1, loop=0, rate=1.000000
V/SoundPool(2693): mState = 0 mChannelID=0, mNumChannels=1, mPos = 0, mPriority=1, mLoop=0
V/SoundPool: mState = 0 mChannelID=0, mNumChannels=1, mPos = 0, mPriority=1, mLoop=0
V/SoundPool(2693): mState = 0 mChannelID=0, mNumChannels=1, mPos = 0, mPriority=1, mLoop=0
V/SoundPool: mState = 0 mChannelID=0, mNumChannels=1, mPos = 0, mPriority=1, mLoop=0
V/SoundPool(2693): mState = 0 mChannelID=0, mNumChannels=1, mPos = 0, mPriority=1, mLoop=0
V/SoundPool: Allocated active channel
V/SoundPool: channel state = 0
V/SoundPool: play 0x22eab0: sampleID=1, channelID=1, leftVolume=1.000000, rightVolume=1.000000, priority=1, loop=0, rate=1.000000
V/SoundPool: setVolume 0x3722d8
V/SoundPool: delete oldTrack 0x0
V/SoundPool: fill: q=0x47064040, p=0x45de4000, mPos=0, b
>size=1200, count=1200
V/SoundPool(2693): fill: q=0x470644f0, p=0x45de44b0, mPos=1200, b
>size=1200, count=848
V/SoundPool: fill extra: q=0x47064840, mPos=2048, b
>size=352, count=352
V/SoundPool(2693): fill extra: q=0x470649a0, mPos=2400, b
>size=1200, count=1200
V/SoundPool: fill extra: q=0x47064e50, mPos=3600, b
>size=1200, count=1200
V/SoundPool(2693): stopping track
V/SoundPool(2693): stop
V/SoundPool(2693): done(1)
V/SoundPool(2693): move to front