Uncaught TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method 'getCamera'

chrome 33.0
cocos2d-html 2.1.5
Uncaught TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method ‘getCamera’

Hi, @auv1107

Can you post your detailed code which triggered the issue ? Otherwise it’s hard to tell what’s wrong.



var BackgroundLayer = cc.Layer.extend({
update: function(dt) {
        var animationLayer = this.getParent().getChildByTag(TagOfLayer.Animation);
        var eyeX = animationLayer.getEyeX();
        var camera = this.getCamera();
        var eyeZ = cc.Camera.getZEye();
        camera.setEye(eyeX, 0, eyeZ);
        camera.setCenter(eyeX, 0, 0); 

can these help?


I change cocos from v2.1.5 to v2.2.2, then no errors occured. and the app seems works well.
the docs on cocos2d-x.org is for 2.2.2… choose a suitable version is really so essensial!

@pandamicro and thanks for your care.

@auv1107 indeed! :wink: You are welcome