Unable to install sdkbox plugins in cocos creator


I tried to install the facebook plugin, the in-app purchases plugin and the sdkbox play plugin, but they all give the following error:

#FATAL: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ‘K:\Works\Gaming\Cocos\Bolo_180628\build\jsb-default\frameworks\cocos2d-x\cocos\platform\android\libcocos2dx\src\org\cocos2dx\lib\Cocos2dxActivity.java’

How to solve this?


cocos2d-x 3.17 ? plz try:

sdkbox import facebook --staging


I’ve installed cocos creator on mac now and it seems to work, although there is another issue now. I will post it soon.


No, still no luck on my mac. I use cocos creator v 2.0.1. Can I perform there also such a console command as you proposed?

Thanks for the help.


make sure two things.

  1. SDKBox GUI 1.1.9
  2. check SDKBox Staging Server.

Thanks, great tip. It works now.