Unable to build win32 project in Windows 8.

Please answer these questions to help fix this issue:

What’s the issue?
Unable to build the win32 project under this path > [cocos2dx_root]\cocos2dx\proj.win32. There are a bunch of link error being thrown.

e.g. error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __imp__TranslateMessage@4 referenced in function “public: virtual int __thiscall cocos2d::CCApplication::run(void)” (?run@CCApplication@cocos2d@@UAEHXZ) [cocos2dx_root]\cocos2dx\proj.win32\CCApplication.obj libcocos2d

What’s the engine version?

How to reproduce it?
Open the cocos2d.vcxproj mention in the above path using VS Express 2012, please note that you are might require to fix the libopengl32 and libcmt gone missing before you can compile. If not, just proceed to build.