TypeError: cc.Director.getInstance(...).getScheduler(...).pauseAllTargets is not a function

I am using some methods to pause and resume my game, to be specific this:

this.*allActions = cc.Director.getInstance.getActionManager.pauseAllRunningActions;
this.*allSchedulers = cc.Director.getInstance().getScheduler().pauseAllTargets();


Both pauseAllTargets is not a function glued as it seems and

pauseAllRunningActions do not return the actions, or

cc.Director.getInstance().getActionManager().resumeTargets(this._allActions); //Also isn’t glued.

Console.error: “scripting\javascript\bindings\generated\jsb_cocos2dx_auto.cpp: Line: 13051, Function: js_cocos2dx_CCActionManager_resumeTargets
Invalid Native Object”

And cc.Director.getInstance().getScheduler().resumeTargets() isn’t glued either.

I can’t use cc.Director.pause because after my pause I start other schedulers and animations. That solution works good in HTML5 but after the JSB, no good.

Thank you!

Maybe I can glue it, but these functions do not should be auto-generate by the genbindings?


Sorry? What? Can’t speak chinese…

I think I may have fixed this issue changing the cocos2d.ini and running the genbindings (tools/tojs) to rebind the codes.

The change was in line 96

CCScheduler::[pauseTarget resumeTarget unscheduleAll isTargetPaused],

Unfortunately the problem with the RETURN of the method “cc.Director.getInstance().getActionManager().pauseAllRunningActions()” still exists.

As I can see an array of Objects are not being identified as a CCSet*… still trying to figure out this.

Anyone? Even in Chinese would be nice to have anything new…

PS: Into the documentation of C++ it says that we should not use the PauseAllTargets from Scheduler, could anyone explain why?