Two questions about graphics component

Hi !
I wonder a few things about the graphics component.

I want to play ‘à la processing’ ( ) to create some pics with code.

So i use a graphics component which seems to be a right way to display pixels the way i want.
I cannot find a lot of documentation about it and i wonder if its safe to use several graphics components at the same time, or if i shoud use only one.
I tried to draw on ONE graphics component from 2 other nodes, but after a while, it draws weird shapes, like if the two drawing’ nodes are mixed together.

The other question i have, and maybe the more important is can i save a graphic component to an image file such as png with creator ?

  1. You can use several graphics components at the same time.
  2. There is still some limitation in cc.Graphics.

Here is some discussion. We will improve it in v1.6.

Thanks, that helps :slight_smile: