" Treasure Ahoy! " is available on App Store

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Waaoow… Its mario of today’s time :smile:

Very Nice Art…

All the best :smile:

btw… is it cocos2d-x game??
You seem to be a new user :smile:

Congrats on the release. Yes, tell us about how you made it.
Cocos2d-x version, etc.

Who did the art?

What problems did you face?

What was the most boring part of development?

What was the most enjoyable part of development?

@catch_up i’m old user, but i’m rarely come to community.
This is my first game, so i posted here.

@slackmoehrle I’ve been facing many problem, but passionating in game making inspired me not to give up.

Finally, i can have a team of 4 people, artist, programmer, music/sfx, include me as a programmer but have less experience.

The Most boring past is level design, we have to work and think, try to build a nice level.
The most enjoyable part is programming.