tizen & internal API

Hi all,

we used the cocos2d-x for porting applications for the TIZEN.
But today we received a message from Samsung Apps Certification Team:

We are informing you that your application uses internal API.
Through a regular check up of all applications, we found that your application uses programming interface embedded
in the official SDK but not specified as official Tizen API’s.
All applications submitted to Tizen Store must comply with Tizen validation guideline and base on guideline chapter 3.14.3,
we prohibit use of internal API.
Internal API is for internal platform developer only and such API’s are subjected to change without notice, so if application
use internal API, it causes incompatibility issue.
We recommend modify your application for better service, if you have any question about this, feel free to contact us.

This is a big problem, I do not know how to solve it in a reasonable time. What would you suggest?

in first app:
jpeg_write_scanlines FcPatternGetString TIFFmalloc png_set_packing FT_Get_Char_Index jpeg_stdio_dest jpeg_finish_compress png_set_IHDR TIFFClose gzread inflate png_set_gray_to_rgb FT_Select_Charmap FT_Done_Face png_get_image_height png_create_info_struct jpeg_mem_src png_get_color_type png_error png_read_update_info TIFFReadRGBAImageOriented png_read_image gzclose jpeg_set_defaults png_set_strip_16 png_init_io png_write_end jpeg_CreateCompress FcFontMatch png_set_tRNS_to_alpha png_create_read_struct jpeg_read_scanlines png_get_bit_depth png_set_expand_gray_1_2_4_to_8 png_sig_cmp png_write_image TIFFClientOpen png_free FcDefaultSubstitute png_get_io_ptr gzopen FcFini crc32 inflateInit2 png_set_palette_to_rgb png_get_valid FT_Done_FreeType inflateEnd FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes FcConfigSubstitute FcPatternDestroy FcPatternBuild FT_Init_FreeType png_destroy_read_struct png_create_write_struct jpeg_destroy_decompress png_read_end jpeg_destroy_compress png_get_rowbytes jpeg_CreateDecompress png_get_image_width FcInit png_set_PLTE FT_Load_Glyph png_set_read_fn jpeg_read_header jpeg_start_compress png_malloc TIFFGetField uncompress FT_Get_Kerning jpeg_start_decompress FT_New_Face png_destroy_write_struct jpeg_std_error png_write_info png_read_info TIFFfree
in second app:
jpeg_write_scanlines FcPatternGetString
TIFFmalloc png_set_packing FT_Get_Char_Index jpeg_stdio_dest jpeg_finish_compress png_set_IHDR TIFFClose gzread inflate png_set_gray_to_rgb curl_easy_init FT_Select_Charmap FT_Done_Face png_get_image_height png_create_info_struct jpeg_mem_src png_get_color_type png_error png_read_update_info TIFFReadRGBAImageOriented png_read_image gzclose jpeg_set_defaults png_set_strip_16 png_init_io png_write_end jpeg_CreateCompress FcFontMatch png_set_tRNS_to_alpha png_create_read_struct jpeg_read_scanlines png_get_bit_depth png_set_expand_gray_1_2_4_to_8 png_sig_cmp png_write_image TIFFClientOpen png_free FcDefaultSubstitute png_get_io_ptr gzopen FcFini crc32 inflateInit2_ png_set_palette_to_rgb png_get_valid FT_Done_FreeType inflateEnd curl_easy_cleanup FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes FcConfigSubstitute FcPatternDestroy deflate FcPatternBuild FT_Init_FreeType png_destroy_read_struct deflateInit2_ png_create_write_struct jpeg_destroy_decompress png_read_end jpeg_destroy_compress png_get_rowbytes jpeg_CreateDecompress png_get_image_width FcInit png_set_PLTE curl_easy_setopt FT_Load_Glyph png_set_read_fn deflateEnd jpeg_read_header curl_slist_append jpeg_start_compress curl_easy_perform png_malloc curl_slist_free_all TIFFGetField uncompress curl_easy_getinfo FT_Get_Kerning jpeg_start_decompress SHA1 FT_New_Face png_destroy_write_struct jpeg_std_error png_write_info png_read_info _TIFFfree

Tell them that all APIs come from static libraries linked into project. Also tell them that underlying framework cannot throw out these static libraries and rely on OSP framework in foreseeble future.

Hi, today I got the same warning for our cocos2d-x app. Did you solve your problem? If yes, how?


Sergey and others,

Is this problem solved? if so, how?