Tiny Wings Remake on Android Powered by Cocos2d-X

I released the source on GitHub: https://github.com/diwu/Tiny-Wings-Remake-on-Android

Youtube demo: http://youtu.be/4ISI_70pYGs
优酷 demo: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDAwMDgyNzgw.html

Let me know what you guys think. :slight_smile:

Awesome! A very good sample for cocos2d-x beginners!
Thanks for your sharing!

Well done!

Good Simple

Hi Di Wu

Thanks for this very nice cocos2d-x + box2d tutorial
may I know what version of cocos2d-x you use for this tutorial ?


@Henry Jaya: I used 0.13.0.

Are there any body update this code with latest version of Cocos2d-x (Cocos2d-2.0-x-2.0.4) ?

I am also facing problem regarding cocos2dx 2 with open gl 2…
Have any body done that?
Facing problem in the hills drawing…

Anyone convert to cocos2dx v2?


Viraj Dasondi wrote:

I am also facing problem regarding cocos2dx 2 with open gl 2…
Have any body done that?
Facing problem in the hills drawing…

I got also problems with GL ES 2.0 but after tweaking a little bit i got an “error reading violation” o "CC_SYNTHESIZE_RETAIN".

Anyone got this working for cocos2d-x v2.x?