Timeline style motion editor, ArtPigEditor


I am a Korean developer.
I’ve developed a motion editor tool, named ArtPigEditor.

ArtPigEditor is a timeline style motion editor. It is similar to flash but is made for cocos2d.
Users can edit complex motions, and the editor generates xmls and images.
ArtPig library loads the xmls and locates sprites and generates cocos2d actions exactly what was done in the editor.

You can get full source codes of the ArtPig libraries for both cocos2d-iphone and cocos2d-x.

Visit => http://www.artpigsoft.com
and download lite version and take look at the video guides.
Even if you don’t buy the editor, lite version also is also useful for your apps.

This is not the end!
There are a lot of surprising features coming in the near future.


screenshot-appstore4.jpg (646.5 KB)

looks great!

This morning, I submitted a free lite version in the app store.
I’ve removed water mark for out images, so lite version is also usable for many users.
It’s in review now. I will let you know soon.