Time for animation in update method

I have 3 action;
first action have 4 frames duration in 0,4s : i code : ccanimation::createwithspriteFrames(animframes,0.1f);
second action have 2 frames duration in 2s : i code : ccanimation::createwithspriteFrames(animframes,1.0f);
third action have 4 frames duration in 0.4s : i code : ccanimation::createwithspriteFrames(animframes,0.1f);

i want three action run in 2.8s
AllAction i run only one time : ccrepeat(…,1);

i add them to arrayAction and call sprite->runaction(CCSEquence::create(arrayAction) in update method .

i call update method : schedule(schedule_selector(update),1.0f) .

But when run, it’s not true :(,it run strange