Tile animations support from Tiled Map Editor v0.10.0


Recently Tiled Map Editor v0.10.0 was release with many featured which includes one of the feature that I require the most which is “Tile Animation”.

Now that the Tiled Editor in built supports creating tile animation with any number of frames, built in, I am really looking forward to see TMXTiledMap Class support all these features starting with the animation.

May I please know if this is already a work in progress and when can we expect these features implemented by Cocos2d-x team.

Thanks in advance.



sounds like a nice feature. Especially for the new TMX Fast rendering.

Could you take a look of it.
It is a good feature.

What is the status of this?

We will add support in v4.0.

very nice, any estimation when will it be?

Can not make sure because new renderer will cost much time.

it is really a nice feature to have in 3.x. :smile: