thread add sprite it not work..............

it run in helloworld

sotre Scene point whicth now working
@ static cocos2d::CCScene* p_nowSence;@

HelloWorld::p_nowSence = scene;

statement this static modeth to add new CSprite
@ //多线程添加layer的方法
static void addNewNode(cocos2d::CCSprite* node);

about thread
@ if( pthread_create(&pid,NULL,start_thread,(void *)p) != 0 )
return NULL;

add sprite thread modeth
`void* ThreadUtils::start_thread(void * arg)

CCSprite* sp = MySprite::create();


return arg;                 


but it no show
if add in HelloWorld::init() it work pasd!

:stuck_out_tongue: (/)

online wait……………………

We have also meet this problem, anyone have solved this problem??