The question about integrate third SDK in Windows Phone 8

I have a problem by developing on wp8.I want to add Microsoft advertisement to my project.
But somehow I could not successful.When I try to step ‘implement ICallback interface in c#’ that the project could not find “ICallback”,and then could not go on.Please help my how to solve this problem.Thank you.

Will someone please reply to these posts, I also posted a question related to WP8 admob integration and calling showAd from c++.

Just bumping, I’m stuck at the same point.

Here is how I make it:

In file GameHelper.h:

namespace PhoneDirect3DXamlAppComponent
    public interface class IGameHelperCallback
        void ShowAd();
    public ref class GameHelperDelegate sealed
        GameHelperDelegate(IGameHelperCallback^ CSharpHelper);
        property static IGameHelperCallback^ Callback;

In file GameHelper.cpp:

GameHelperDelegate::GameHelperDelegate(IGameHelperCallback^ CSharpHelper)
    Callback = CSharpHelper;

In file GameHelper.cs:

namespace PhoneDirect3DXamlAppInterop
    public class GameHelper : IGameHelperCallback
        private GameHelperDelegate m_cppHelper = null;
        public GameHelper()
            m_cppHelper = new GameHelperDelegate(this);
        public void ShowAd()
            // do some real work to show the ad

In any of your c++ files:


Just some snippets. I guess it’s easy to work it out.

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Hi and thanks for the reply !

I tested your code in a new Project, but the same Kind of Problem remains. When I’m trying to implement IGameHelperCallback in my C#-class the Interface and also GameHelperDelegate can not be found.

Using PhoneDirect3DXamlAppComponent works. I also added the file to HelloWorldComponent, so it should be referenced in my Solution and the .winmd file !?

Edit : Solved it… I missed to add the according .cpp-file…

You’re right, the cpp file should be included in the component project. I change the snippets to add a GameHelper.cpp.

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Can you tell me more?
I have 2 file( GameHelper.h and GameHelper.cpp) in HelloCppComponent project and GameHelper.cs in HelloCpp project and i having an error “The type or namespace name ‘GameHelperDelegate’ could not be found”

In my experience, the GameHelperDelegate should be declared in .h header file and implemented in a .cpp file, like what I did above. You can’t declare and implement it in a single .h file, otherwise “GameHelperDelegate could not be found” error will be prompted.

I guess you didn’t use the right namespace. Try to add “using PhoneDirect3DXamlAppComponent;” in your .cs file.

Thanks for your reply.
But i don’t understand in GameHelper.h you declare namespace PhoneDirect3DXamlAppComponent and then you call PhoneDirect3DXamlAppInterop::GameHelperDelegate::Callback->ShowAd(); in c++ file, and in my HelloWordScene file .cpp namespace PhoneDirect3DXamlAppInterop not found :frowning:

Really sorry for that I wrote it wrong and made you confused. It should be PhoneDirect3DXamlAppComponent::GameHelperDelegate::Callback->ShowAd(); in c++ file. I’ve edited it to the correct.

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Thanks you verry muck. It’s work fine.
I using release mode and call Debug.WriteLine in ShowAd() =_=. It’s silly! :smiley:

I implement IGameHelperCallback in MainPage class and i call banner.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; in showAd() function. My game has break. Can you help me?

in ShowAd() call

 Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() =>
            banner.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed