The download links of SDKBOX IAP plugin for Cocos2d-x are broken
The download links of Option 1 & Option 3 are broken. I tried the command line method but a python error popped up.

Anyone ???

Is this engine still actively maintained?

yes they are broken. and command are not working as well.
i had downloaded and saved few of them. you can download from here : (will be available do download shortly)

Thank you so much. I have been stuck for a half day and got no response from any cocos engineer, that’s very very poor experience. Now I am worrying the documentations of the SDKBox are outdated as well.

SDKBox is not working since cocos2d-x 3.17 came. They need to maintain it fast.

Oh you mean the entire SDK is not compatible with the latest cocos2d-x 3.17?

it is having issue, Alot of them.

God, did they go through QA processes before releasing the stuff?

I have alerted the team.

The download link in the page has been fixed.

I apologize for the inconvenience caused.