The canvas size is set as 320 / 480 but the cc.Director.getInstance().getWinSize() gives 1242/582.

Hello ,
I have previously used Cocos2d-html5-v2.1 and I have opened Cocos2d-html5-v2.1.6 today.
I have opened the project in template and seen that canvas is set as

so the director should give width and height as 320 and 480 respectively , but it gives 1242 and 582 respectively. does it mean that the winsize is set dynamically by detecting the client machine running(like pc,mobile.,etc).

If so, then what meaning does the canvas width and height deal with?
Which method does gets called when we change the window size ?
I have also seen that size in " size = cc.Director.getInstance().getWinSize(); " doesn’t change when we resize the browser window.
If any one can say where can I read this change Log it will be very helpful.

Thanks in Advance.

Try cc.EGLView.getInstance().getFrameSize() ?

Please refer to Detailed_explanation_of_Cocos2d-x_Multi-resolution_adaptation