Texture compression tool recommendation


How do you compress your graphical assets? Which tool do you use (if it’s free, that even better)?

I want to hear your recommendations, please.


I use TexturePacker, but it isn’t free.

CocoStudio is free and can help here too.

There is also: https://www.zwopple.com/zwoptex/
but I have never used it.

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very good and free


@slackmoehrle @Meir_yanovich thanks!

Do I have to use “Power of Two” spritesheet size option, is it critical for cocos?

@Meir_yanovich Thanks!! Looks great!

Does it support autoscaling?
Saying, if I have my assets with HDR resolution and I want them to downscale to HD and SD automatically.
Or maybe there is another tool for that job?

Well i don’t know if its support any of what you said , i just create the textures drag it to the showbox
and create the single image and the pilst file

ShoeBox supports scaling. It’s in the advanced options but it doesn’t generate multiple sets at once (like TexturePacker does). I’m still in the trial of TexturePacker but have actually used ShoeBox for the last few revisions just to prove I could do what I needed with all free tools. I have a HD set (scale = 1) and a SD set (Scale = 0.5) you can save the different configs so you can load them quickly and not be actually changing settigns. It also has scripting stuff that might allow you to generate multiple sets, but so far I haven’t been able to get it to work.

I don’t use “power of 2”

when you don’t check “power of 2” option the tool will produce in some cases odd sized textures which is bad or it isn’t?