Text wrap around with CCLabelTTF while using marmalade sdk to build cocos2dx game

Hi I am using the following.

  1. cocos2dx 2.1.5
  2. marmalade SDK 6.3
  3. Font Used attached with post .ttf
  4. Target deployment on Windows phone8 and android through marmalade deploy tool.
  5. example pngs attached

I am trying to add a CCLabelTTF font but due to some reason the text wraps around. I am doing this in the code

wholeNumberLabel_ = CCLabelTTF::create(“0”, “futura.ttf”, 42.0f);
>setPosition~~ wholeNumberLabel*>getContentSize.width/2, divisorLine>getPositionY));

After sometime in code I do change its string for numbers like 11, 15, 26 the text wraps around. Attached is a screen shot.
If I do this same in a different android project then there is no such issue. If I do this through proj.marmalade and try to deploy it on windows phone 8 or any android device text wraps around. Even the simulator gives the same if we load .mkb and run as x86 debugger through Visual studio 2012 on Simulator.
I have also changed the contentsize but still no use.

2.PNG (5.2 KB)

22.PNG (4.5 KB)

FuturaBTMediumpalm.ttf.zip (25.2 KB)

HelveticaLTCom-Bold.ttf.zip (68.3 KB)

DroidSans.ttf.zip (102.0 KB)

Marker Felt.ttf.zip (16.6 KB)

playMatch.PNG (5.7 KB)

chennai.PNG (1.8 KB)