TestLua compilation error when path to cocos2d-x contains spaces

When path to cocos2d-x folder contains spaces, compilation of TestLua will fail due to xcopy command in pre-build events of TestLua project.
Windows 7, MSVS 2010

Path example: “…Studio 2010\Projects\cocos2d-2.0-x-2.0.3”

In TestLua project properties > Configuration Properties > Build Events > Pre-Build Event change “Command Line” value from

xcopy $(SolutionDir)samples\TestCpp\Resources $(SolutionDir)samples\TestLua\Resources /e /Y


xcopy "$(SolutionDir)samples\TestCpp\Resources" "$(SolutionDir)samples\TestLua\Resources" /e /Y

Thank you.
#1506 is created for it.