System.BadImageFormatException when call C# method in cocos2dx

I want to call C# method in C++。I googled a lot about how to do this.
Now I do like this:

Use HelloCpp XAML project for test.It seems that doesn’t create a xaml template?

And write Plus2SharpInterface.h、Plus2SharpDelegate.h、Plus2SharpDelegate.cpp in HelloCppComponent


namespace Plus2Shap
    namespace Plus2SharpInterfaceHelper
		public interface class Plus2SharpInterface
			void Leaderboard_Submit(Platform::String^ leaderboardKey, int score);


#pragma once

#include "Plus2SharpInterface.h"

namespace Plus2Shap
    namespace Plus2SharpInterfaceHelper
        public ref class Plus2SharpDelegate sealed    
        //  class Plus2SharpDelegate    
            // Gets the single XLiveDelegate instance.
            static Plus2SharpDelegate^ GetInstance();
            // Set callback into the XLiveDelegate instance.
			void SetCallback(Plus2SharpInterface^ callback);
            // Gets or sets the callback.
            property Plus2SharpInterface^ GlobalCallback;

            static Plus2SharpDelegate^ m_Instance;


#include "Plus2SharpDelegate.h"

namespace Plus2Shap
    namespace Plus2SharpInterfaceHelper

        Plus2SharpDelegate^ Plus2SharpDelegate::GetInstance()
            if (m_Instance == nullptr)
                m_Instance = ref new Plus2SharpDelegate();
            return m_Instance;

		void Plus2SharpDelegate::SetCallback(Plus2SharpInterface^ callback)
            GlobalCallback = callback;

        Plus2SharpDelegate^ Plus2SharpDelegate::m_Instance;

And write Plus2SharpImpl.cs in hellocpp(C# project)

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Plus2Shap.Plus2SharpInterfaceHelper;
using System.Diagnostics;

public sealed class Plus2SharpImpl : Plus2SharpInterface
    public void Leaderboard_Submit(string leaderboardKey, int score)

And in App.xaml.cs,Init the delegate

Plus2SharpDelegate mPlus2SharpDelegate = Plus2SharpDelegate.GetInstance();
            mPlus2SharpDelegate.SetCallback(new Plus2SharpImpl());

So that I can invoke the C# method in C++ like this

Plus2SharpDelegate^ m_XLiveDelegate = Plus2SharpDelegate::GetInstance();
	m_XLiveDelegate->GlobalCallback->Leaderboard_Submit("abcd", 100);

But when i run the game,some error occured:

“System.TypeLoadException”type of exception occurred in unknown module .
“System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException”type of exception occurred in
“System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException”type of exception occurred in

The breakpoint stop at RootFrame_NavigationFailed method in app.xaml.cs.

I deleted the cs code and the invoke code in c++。

And I find the error will happen if Plus2SharpInterface.h、Plus2SharpDelegate.h 、Plus2SharpDelegate.cpp file exist。

How to solve it then?

Or some other method to call C# function in C++?

It seems nothing wrong in your code, as the link: said, try to set the project’s Platform target property to x86 (instead of x64 or AnyCPU) and recompile.
The template exists in 2.2.3 now.

It seems the keyword :interface、ref、sealed coursed the exception。
For a Android/IOS developer,I do not know much about C++ and visual studio.
Is there any preconditions to use these keywords?

Or is there other way to call C# function in C++?Show me the code please?

another way is like the EditBox.xaml or keyboard implement in 2.2.3, it use event delegate, you can look at how to invoke the event delegate and call OpenEditBox or OnCocos2dEvent in MainPage.xaml.cs.

It seems that the namespace must be “PhoneDirect3DXamlAppComponent” in C++ project :frowning:

good jobs, finally found the problem, it may have to use the namespace that the same with d3d.