"sudo ./install-templates-xcode3.sh" command doesn't work

I’m trying to develop new game project with cocos2d-x.

It supports multiple platform and C++~! lol

I followed guideline as described below.

I downloaded current recent version cocos2d-0.99.5-x-0.8.2.zip.
And typed.
sudo ./install-templates-xcode3.sh
But it says…
sudo: ./install-templates-xcode3.sh: command not found

So I tried github source and do the same thing.
It was successful to install Xcode 3 templates, but I got build errors like below.

Category: Error: ‘**’ has not been declared
/CrazyChicken/libs/cocos2dx/platform/ios/EAGLView.mm:534:0 ’cocos2d::CCIMEDispatcher’ has not been declared
/CrazyChicken/libs/cocos2dx/platform/ios/EAGLView.mm:539:0 ’cocos2d::CCIMEDispatcher’ has not been declared
/CrazyChicken/libs/cocos2dx/platform/ios/EAGLView.mm:631:0 ’cocos2d::CCIMEDispatcher’ has not been declared
/CrazyChicken/libs/cocos2dx/platform/ios/EAGLView.mm:797:0 ’cocos2d::CCIMEDispatcher’ has not been declared

Category: Error: ’**’ was not declared in this scope
/CrazyChicken/libs/cocos2dx/platform/ios/EAGLView.mm:788:0 ‘notiInfo’ was not declared in this scope
/CrazyChicken/libs/cocos2dx/platform/ios/EAGLView.mm:797:0 ‘dispatcher’ was not declared in this scope

Category: Error: **: No such file or directory
/CrazyChicken/libs/cocos2dx/platform/ios/EAGLView.mm:71:0 CCIMEDispatcher.h: No such file or directory

Category: Error: expected** before *
/CrazyChicken/libs/cocos2dx/platform/ios/EAGLView.mm:787:0 Expected `;‘before ’notiInfo’

Category: Error: Other
/CrazyChicken/libs/cocos2dx/platform/ios/EAGLView.mm:787:0 ‘CCIMEKeyboardNotificationInfo’ is not a member of ‘cocos2d’
/CrazyChicken/libs/cocos2dx/platform/ios/EAGLView.mm:797:0 ‘CCIMEDispatcher’ is not a member of ‘cocos2d’
Command /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/usr/bin/g++~~4.2 failed with exit code 1

How do I fix this problem?

cocos2d::CCIMEDispatcher is not included in cocos2d-0.99.5-x-0.8.2.zip. It is developed on github.
You should download the zip file from wiki.

please download the 0.8.2 stable version from http://download.cocos2d-x.org
the edge version on github cannot always by compiled successfully

It seems like my question was uncertain. (I apologize for my bad English)

I did download 0.8.2 stable version.

But the problem is that I can not create template for Xcode 3.

“sudo ./install-templates-xcode3.sh” command doesn’t work.

Please ignore github source code compile errors.

Anyway, thank you for your kind answers. :slight_smile:

“sudo ./install-templates-xcode3.sh” command doesn’t work.

What is the problem? PLZ post the log.

In fact, I prefer

./install-templates-xcode3.sh -u -f

~~u means only install for the current user,~~f means ignore and force replace the previous installation

Four words to ruin a man’s ego …

“Is it in YET?”
