Submitting Cocos2D-X application to the Google Play Store

Hello! I’m developing on a Mac with Xcode and the process to submit to the Apple App Store seems to be a no-brainer. However submitting an application to the Google Play Store is a mystery to me. From the terminal I run the application on Android emulator with “cocos run -p android -j 4”. At the same time this generates a “xxx-debug.apk” file in the “debug/android” -folder. Is this the apk-file to submit to the Google Play Store, or should I create the correct apk by “cocos deploy” or something? I haven’t found any tutorials from start to finish to complete the whole process.

cocos -run -p android -m release

runs(and also compiles) a signed apk app in emulator or connected device. Generating keystore is another story… :slight_smile:

what about cocos deploy?

It’s pretty good. I often use it :smiley:

If you use Eclipse or android studio you only need to release an android app with signed keys just right click Android tools->export signed application package actually it’s easy.

I’d rather stick to the command line if possible. I found this tutorial and I wonder if it applies to Cocos2D-X applications too?

I found another tutorial which seems more in-depth:

The tutorial is for Ionic, but the steps to generate keystore, to sign and to zipalign seem to work for this case.

That’s something new.

I use Android Studio for android development. To build a release build you need to generate a keystore file, place it in the folder and add the following to build.gradle file of your project (one with Module: YourGameName)

signingConfigs {
    release {
        storeFile file("your.keystore")
        storePassword "yourpasswordforkeystore"
        keyAlias "youralias"
        keyPassword "yourpasswordforalias"

After that, in the Build Variant tabs (it’s vertical, on the left side) set your game to release and build. Signed apk will be waiting for you in

Thank you for your replies!

I’m new in to Eclipse and Android Studio, and I’ve been keen to using Xcode and debugging with a physical iOS device and then running the project in an Android emulator via terminal to check it’s running ok. So far it’s been great! Even though I like the Android ecosystem nowadays, I prefer Xcode for IDE and i’d like to finish the Android deployment steps via command line.

Android Studio is not a replacement for Xcode, but integrating third party libraries for Android and making wrappers is way easier in this IDE than anywhere else.