Starting my way using Cocos2dx. Android and iOS sharing the same code. Box2d, performances and other ideas.

Hello world!

This is the first time I post here (well, my own thread anyways). I will start by thanking the crew for the efforts on converting the wonderful cocos2d library to c*+ so we can port it to android without too much suffering. What you guys are doing for free cannot measure how is helping others. I hope good karma gets in your way! And if you ever come to Brazil i will sure buy you a beer! Funny enough riq is Brazilian, so im more then proud of being a part of this community! :slight_smile:
I hope i could use this thread to ask any questions i might run into. My background is as this: Im a developer used to develop in objective-c so i guess i can program in any language, as any good developer). Even though i didnt touch c*+ in a looooong time, im not scared and quite happy to get into another language after a good run in objective-c. But after seeing some tutorials, i guess c*+ is really objective-c ugly ass brother, and i will sure miss objective-c. But enough rambling. Im almost done with my game using cocos2d and it is a quite big game for a quite big company, it is going to be a free game for a government agency, it is all done in pure objective-c and now the client decided he wants to release on Android as well and gave me a few more months to port it to android. I have 3 more months and believe is a good time frame to convert everything from cocos2d to cocos2dx . So i have a couple of questions before i find myself in a road without return and I hope you guys could enlighten me on some doubts. I have just a few to start of so here it go:

  1. My game is quite heavy on the graphics side . The running game has at least 3 spritesheets with 2048x2048 pixels and not to mention sounds and some other small sprites that cant make it to the spritesheet, iOS suffered a bunch and i had to convert them all to rgb 4444 using texture packer, witch gave me a a good FPS and made the game playable, even though on iphone 3gs it still suffers quite a bit and lags from time to time.
    This is my main first question for now: I really wanted to use a hybrid project , so when updates come, i just update one code base and release to all platforms. But im too afraid that this might affect iOS greatly. Do you guys have any experience on this ? Does cocos2d in obj-c runs faster then his c*+ brother in iOS ? Should i do tests to find out ? Any experience on this subject ? Is android c++ slower then obj-c on iOS ? I have optimized my code a great deal, and my game is still heavy and graphics, im so afraid the android version will run sooo slow! Any thoughts ? Experiences ? This is my main doubt. Afraid that i will suffer a lot from optimizations and slowness. I know that the best way to find out is just testing, and i will, just hope some advices and tips come first before i pull my hair out!

I have a bunch of other questions, but i rather study cocos2dx more then fill you guys with a bunch of questions already answered.

I have a feeling this might be a stupid threat, but i guess it wont hurt to ask. Hope you guys can enlighten me a bit more, and im so sorry about my english, i tried my best! :slight_smile:


1.1 If you regard yourself as a problem solver, engineer, developer familiar with any language, well, perhaps you’re a geek.
1.2 Believe me, c*+ is more ugly with objc.
2.1 c*+ is as fast as objc on iOS. Your problem probably is: if your game is “quite heavy on the graphics side”, then you may have to cut some effects, reduce the complexity to fit some middle-end android devices. I mean the problem is on the performance difference between ios & android devices, not on the programming language or framework. By my experience, we only suit FishingJoy on HTC G7 and higher hardware.
2.2 About optimization, CCSpriteBatchNode and BackgroundBigSprite->setBlendFunc( (ccBlendFunc){GL_ONE, GL_ZERO} ) is very efficient.

3.1 Welcome to cocos2d-x forum! Please feel free to ask any questions. :slight_smile:

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