SoundPool sometimes does not reloads sound which were unloaded several times.


I’ve encountered strange issue. Its hard to reproduce.

Here is what happening:

I have a scene where i play some sounds ( for example multiple bomb explosions).
I reload this scene several time, go to another scene, load it again (sounds are loaded and unloaded) and time after time i get error when trying to load some sounds again “Unable to load sample: (null)” caused by SoundPool.load.
After doPlayEffect tries to play effect (id does not plays actually). Warns me it was bad. And pushes streamID=0 info mPathStreamIDsMap.

And after that those sounds wont be reloaded again.

May be those sounds file were opened so load() method failed? May *unloadEffect()* lost some streams and hadn’t actually unloaded all streams?

I don’t know.

What is happening?