Sometimes not loading chartboost ads, not found ad error

sdkbox v0.5.6.19
chartboostplugin v1.2.2.6
cocos2dx cpp v3.7

Sometimes when i cache an ad, it callbacks me with an NoAdFound error. Sometimes are just the rewarded ads and sometimes are both, interstitial and rewarded.

It happens when i cache/show them.

The configuration of the chartboost account and the sdkbox_config.json is ok because sometimes the ad is loaded. I dont have any type of cap of showing ads per hour/day.

What can i do? Is it an error from chartboost or sdkbox? or is it mine?


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maybe tehre is limits on chartboost side, like show max 1 ads to user per hour or only in this region… so if Ads is showed time to time then it should be working. You can try install VPN software on phone like hidemyass and connect to US and then check if there is Ads or not

Nope and nope. As I said no max caps configured at chartboost side, and tried a vpn but nothing changes :S

This is from a year ago but i thinks this still working same:

I cant understand why they dont explain this explicitly in his docu:

There is some “cap” for user/ads.

I created a sample for chartboost.

Can you give it a try and see if has the issue on your device?

Before run your code I changed ur failed to load callback to show the error number:

void HelloWorld::onChartboostFailedToLoad(const std::string& name, sdkbox::CB_LoadError e)
    CCLOG("on failed to load: %s ,error number: %u", name.c_str(), e);

and this is the logcat:

09-01 15:45:26.102: D/cocos2d-x debug info(17201): on failed to load: Level Complete ,error number: 6

Same problem with ur sample. I cant understand why there isnt any ad for my zone/phone. Im from Spain and im using a samsung galaxy s III neo.

Before, the logcat has shown it too, i think that doesnt matter but just in case:

**09-01 15:45:01.572: D/Chartboost(17201): Register Chartboost
09-01 15:45:01.602: E/WifiInfo(17201): Failed to get MAC address from /efs/wifi/
09-01 15:45:01.602: E/TrackingInfo(17201): getMacAddress returned null
09-01 15:45:01.702: E/WifiInfo(17201): Failed to get MAC address from /efs/wifi/

This is happening also with me and it is only on Android. The same problem!

I already reported it on another topic. (SDKBOX 1.2.5 Released)

bump, did u see that i ran ur code?

Hmm, did the ads shows up if you turn on test mode in chartboost?

Shows the test ad. But without test mode, nothing :S

Are you running the latest version?

Yup, fresh download, update & install from yesterday.

is there anything new in the log to take a look at?

And to be sure, this problem persists if you run this: as well?

If it shows nothing without the test mode, that just means they’re not giving you any ads…

A way to approach this integrate multiple SDKs so you can switch to a different one if there is no ads been served.

Found that:

I will add adcolony also.

Hi @nite, @slackmoehrle :

I live in Spain and I always receive the error 6 too. The requested ad is a rewarded video with default values.

I’m working with last Cocos2d-x and SdkBox. Are you planning to fix it, please?

Thanks and best!

Where you able to get test ads to show?

Hi @nite:

It’s working with:

  • My id/signature and test ads
  • Your id/signature from Github sample. These seem to be release ads, but I’m not sure.

It isn’t working with:

  • My id/signature and release ads. Load error 6.

It was tested with two different Android devices using debug Keystore. Today is the third day trying it with same result.

Thanks and best!

Hi again:

Are somebody using the Chartboost sdkbox-plugin in his android game?

I don’t understand how setup the rewarded video to avoid the “load error 6”. On test mode it works, but we need disable it.

I see it on logcat output:

09-26 23:15:52.740: D/cocos2d-x debug info(21450): JS: onChartboostFailedToLoad Level Complete load error 6
09-26 23:15:53.317: D/cocos2d-x debug info(21450): JS: onChartboostCached Default

My default interstitial ad is always loaded, but rewarded video is never loaded.

Thanks and best,

Error 6 means there is no ad, maybe chartboost don’t have enough ad inventory in your area.

In this case I would suggest first turn on testing to make sure chartboost works correctly.
then try use more than one Ad SDK to make sure.