Someone can help??? CCArmature memory Problem

Version 2.2.1
When there is a child CCArmature in CCArmature, It can not release accurately.
I found that the Texture is even in used, and can not be remove by Method “CCTextureCache::sharedTextureCache()->removeUnusedTextures()”

When I use the Method “CCTextureCache::sharedTextureCache()->removeTextureForKey” , i can remove the Texture, but there is some memory even in use i think.

Someone can help???

In CCBone::~CCBone(void) I found that m_pChildArmature’s retainCount is 2.
Is that I have change the source code? I will find it out later.

I download 2.2.1 and 2.2.2 for new, and 2.2.2 has no problem