Some general questions

First of all, sorry for your time.

I’m 23 years old web developer working on Barcelona and I started playing with cocos2d-x for three months on my free time, and I’m seeing that it’s a very interisting project.

I tried to solve a few questions, but I never found an answer :frowning:

1- When is advisable to use CocosBuilder on a cocos2d-x project? I followed some tutorials (like cocosdragon), but I don’t know if in a real scenario its so good (talking about times)… for example, something really easy like do a “login” or “register” layer with a textfield (user has to input text) can’t be done. Do you know the correct way to use CocosBuilder in a scene that you require some input from user?
2- I read some posts of people that did it work on cocos2d-x the push notifications (android [gcm] and ios [apn]), but I never saw how they did it. There seems to be a great secrecy because anybody sahred here how they did it. Do you know some guide to implement this important functionallity on cocos2d-x?

Thx for your time,