[SOLVED] SdkBox - Install GPG on Cocos Creator

Well, I already have this problem for 4 days, …
What I’ve done so far:

1 - build and compile the project
2 - add plugin GPG
3 - Activated the service in Services of game in google play
4 - I installed the app in strings.xml which looks like this:

<? Xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'UTF-8'?>
     <String name = "app_name"> hello_world </ string>
     <String name = "google_app_id"> 111111111111111 </ string>
     <String name = "service_id"> nearby_service_id </ string> // I do not know what this is! So I left it as it is.
</ Resources>

5 - build - OK
6 - Compile - Error

Any suggestion?


The service_id value allows client devices to discover the advertising device. The value must uniquely identify your app. As a best practice, use the package name of your app (for example, com.google.example.mygame.service).

The following example shows you how to declare the service_id value in the strings.xml file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        This is the service identifier for Nearby Connections. Do NOT copy and paste this value
        into your own application.  Instead, choose a unique identifier that is appropriate for
        your application.
    <string name="service_id"><!-- your service ID goes here, e.g. com.google.example.mygame.service --></string>


Just replace id service

same problem…
I definitely do not know what to do.


not save.

I saved it, it’s not saved, so I changed google_app_id

old value.

I made the changes and saved them, doing the build and compile again …

And the same error is appearing … of translation

I think you edit wrong file proj.android/app/res/values/strings.xml.
Plz double check :wink:

I’m really dumb !! I was editing the wrong file link !!! :rage:

Thank you so much for your patience, and time.

Would you have some example with the codes to insert higher punctuation, and to do the reading in cocos creator?

what’s this?
could you please show a picture ?

I say leaderboard, sorry. I did not find any code example for coconut creator.

I’m doing this:

But I still have doubts on how to send the scores and how to read the list of scores.

I am trying to connect gpg, I think it is setup problems with the keystore to generate the sha1 in the google app console, I am doing something wrong.

Hi Celsomf,

Did you integrate Google GPG Services successfully? I’m trying to integrate it to my Cocos Creator app but I can’t find the documentation for that. Could you help me please?

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I was able to connect what your question would be?

do you connected to gpg ? i always get the log “GamesNativeSDK: Play Games callback indicates connection failure”.
are you know why happen it ?
how to fix it ?