SDKBOX - Error 'NoneType' object has no attribute '__getitem__'

Hi all,
I install facebook plugin to my Game. And this is my result:

sdkbox import facebook -p build/jsb-default

|______ | \ |____/ |] | | _/
| |/ | _ |
] |____| _/ _
Copyright © 2015 SDKBOX Inc. v1.0.0.18
‘NoneType’ object has no attribute ‘getitem
Installation failed :frowning:

Yesterday, everything ok. But today i can’t install any plugin, this has same error.

I’d update your SDKBOX installer.

My version is Is this the lastest update?

I am not sure. Let us ask @nite. I was saying it as I remembered earlier versions had this error once before. I am honestly not sure of the state of SDKBOX.

Yes. I just got this error today. I will wait for good news from you.

Can you download the plugin here

And then import with sdkbox import -b <path_to_downloaded_plugin> looks like there is some networking issue.

I using Cocos Create and import sdkbox plugin with plugin_path and this is result:

sdkbox import -b /Users/tangdung/Downloads/sdkbox-facebook_v2.3.3.4/plugin

|______ | \ |____/ |] | | _/
| |/ | _ |
] |____| _/ _
Copyright © 2015 SDKBOX Inc. v1.0.0.18
unsupported cocos2d-x major version
Installation failed :frowning:


sdkbox import -b /Users/tangdung/Downloads/sdkbox-facebook_v2.3.3.4

It’s same result.
sdkbox import -b /Users/tangdung/Downloads/sdkbox-facebook_v2.3.3.4

|______ | \ |____/ |] | | _/
| |/ | _ |
] |____| _/ _
Copyright © 2015 SDKBOX Inc. v1.0.0.18
unsupported cocos2d-x major version
Installation failed :frowning:

I’m using Cocos Creator

Which version of CocosCreator are you using?

I’m using v1.2.2. Perhap a network issue, i try run command install facebook plugin about 20 times and success a time. After it’s failed

Hi @nite
Which command to uninstall sdkbox? I will try reinstall sdkbox and test again.

can you run sdkbox import -b /Users/tangdung/Downloads/sdkbox-facebook_v2.3.3.4 -p your/creator/project/build/jsb-default -vv

and show the log

you can run rm -r ~/.sdkbox to remove sdkbox

and run python -c "import urllib; s = urllib.urlopen('').read(); exec s" to install sdkbox

Great. It’s working.
Thanks you so much

I suspect that there is also an exception caused by week networking. Could you help me to gather the log by running “sdkbox import facebook -p build/jsb-default -vv” ?

I run:

sdkbox import facebook -p build/jsb-default -vv

and this is working. A command to update version SDKBOX show:

A newer version of SDKBOX is available, would you like to update v1.0.0.18 to v1.0.0.20?
Type [Y]es, [n]o or [q]uit

Good, you should choose “Y” and upgrade to the latest version

To day, i’m install command:

sdkbox import -b /Users/tangdung/Projects/sdkbox/sdkbox-iap_v2.3.3.4 -p build/jsb-default/ -vv

This show:

Namespace(alwaysupdate=0, command=‘import’, days=10, dryrun=None, forcecopy=0, forcedownload=0, info=None, installer=’/Users/tangdung/.sdkbox/bin/sdkbox.pyc’, jsonapi=0, local=1, manifest=‘manifest.json’, mkey=None, mvalue=None, nohelp=0, nopatching=0, nopatchingcpp=0, noupdate=0, patcherrors=0, plugin=’/users/tangdung/projects/sdkbox/sdkbox-iap_v2.3.3.4/’, project=’/Users/tangdung/Projects/BanCaDoiThe/banca-creator/build/jsb-default/’, remote=0, server=‘’, symbol=None, verbose=2)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “”, line 7868, in main
RuntimeError: The network is offline, can’t execute the command “import”.

#FATAL: The network is offline, can’t execute the command “import”.
Installation failed :frowning:
Performing at_exit cleanup.
Tracking: {‘backtrace’: ‘Traceback (most recent call last):\n File “”, line 7868, in main\nRuntimeError: The network is offline, can’t execute the command “import”.\n’, ‘exception’: ‘The network is offline, can’t execute the command “import”.’, ‘args’: {‘verbose’: 2, ‘installer’: ‘/Users/tangdung/.sdkbox/bin/sdkbox.pyc’, ‘manifest’: ‘manifest.json’, ‘nopatching’: 0, ‘patcherrors’: 0, ‘project’: ‘/Users/tangdung/Projects/BanCaDoiThe/banca-creator/build/jsb-default/’, ‘noupdate’: 0, ‘mvalue’: None, ‘nopatchingcpp’: 0, ‘local’: 1, ‘nohelp’: 0, ‘dryrun’: None, ‘jsonapi’: 0, ‘symbol’: None, ‘mkey’: None, ‘info’: None, ‘remote’: 0, ‘plugin’: ‘/users/tangdung/projects/sdkbox/sdkbox-iap_v2.3.3.4/’, ‘forcecopy’: 0, ‘days’: 10, ‘server’: ‘’, ‘forcedownload’: 0, ‘command’: ‘import’, ‘alwaysupdate’: 0}, ‘return_status’: ‘exception’}

This means your network is down.