[Solved] Prebuilt Libraries - gen-libs & NDK versions


I am following the link below to try and upgrade my build so I can debug in Android Studio.

I can build my cocos libraries using the following command:

cocos gen-libs -p android --ap android-25 --app-abi armeabi:x86:armeabi-v7a

Builds Ok using android-ndk-r10c. Any newer version r11c, 13b, 14b and I get a link error

./base/CCConsole.cpp:423: error: undefined reference to ‘bzero’

cocos2d-x 3.14.1
Build tools 25.0.2
minSdk 9 target/compile Sdk 25

Help please?

(Android Studio support)

Try to delete these from cocos2d-x folder: tools/simlator/frameworks/runtime-src/proj.android/obj. It worked for me, also had to gen-libs again.

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@anieduard - thanks for taking the time to point this out to me. Gen-libs fixed! :smile:

Anytime. I’ve also struggled a lot with them. :smile: