[SOLVED] java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError with review plugin (sdkbox)

My project is using cocos 3.14.1 and I’ve got it to work on android (also working great on iOS).

Everything seems to build fine, andruns, but when I call


I get:

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com.sdkbox.plugin.review.R$string

I’ve already gone through this thread without luck:

I am up to date with SDKBOX.

I didn’t understand this comment from the thread above, but I feel like if I understood its meaning I might be able to fix my own problem. Thoughts? And thanks!

htlxyzJun '16
Review find resource by com.sdkbox.review.R, you copy value to app,the resource R is under you.package.name.R, review can not know your package name, so should not copy to app folder


Wow, I just solved this problem. Probably not the ideal solution, but what I did was add the dependency:

compile project(':libPluginReviewResource')

To proj.android-studio/app/build.gradle

For whatever reason, all that was there was

compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])
compile project(':libcocos2dx')
compile project(':facebook_lib')
compile project(':libPluginReviewResource')

Glad it got resolved, we’ll verify it and let you know.