[SOLVED] How to Integrate [DragonBones] latest c++ runtime library with cocos2dX-3.15?

Here is the link for Dragonbones c++ library : GitHub - DragonBones/DragonBonesCPP: DragonBones C++ Runtime
I did the setup according to its guide here : DragonBonesCPP/Cocos2DX_3.x at master · DragonBones/DragonBonesCPP · GitHub

After building fresh new project i have test on device that HelloWorld works well. In Android Studio I have replaces resources and classes files also changed Android.mk file too according to it. But still it didn’t work for me . Any one know the how to Integrate Latest Dragonbones with cocos2dx 3.15?

here Dragonbone library in classes folder :

here Error from AS.

[SOLVED] here its work for Android device. but not on windows.

********How to Integrate Dragonebones with cocos2dx******
> At the time This procedure found the Dragonebones runtime library on git hub was Version 4.7 and Dragon editor tool Version was 5.1.
> This Integration for c++ with cocos2dx Version 3.15
Step 1: Preparing Library of Dragonbones for integration
        - Copy most common 'DragonBone' c++ library from 'DragonBonesCPP-master.zip' file ..\DragonBones\src\.. paste inside project's Classes folder
        - Copy 'cocos2dx' and 'proj.android' and 'proj.win32' folder from 'DragonBonesCPP-master.zip' file ..\Cocos2DX_3.x\src\dragonBones\.. paste it inside 'DragonBone' library which we           have pasted in Classes folder.
        - Copy 'rapidjson' and 'rapidxml' folders from 'DragonBonesCPP-master.zip' file ..\3rdParty\.. paste it in 'Classes' folder (Note: Not inside dragoneBone library)
*******Here the Preparation is done ***********
Step 2: Integration
        - Its very simple concept, whatever we put inside 'Classes' folder we have to mention it in 'Android.mk' file
        - So, paste these lines after your project's files you have mentioned under 'LOCAL_SRC_FILES := hellocpp/main.cpp \'
		   ../../../Classes/dragonBones/animation/Animation.cpp \
                   ../../../Classes/dragonBones/animation/AnimationState.cpp \
                   ../../../Classes/dragonBones/animation/TimelineState.cpp \
                   ../../../Classes/dragonBones/animation/WorldClock.cpp \
                   ../../../Classes/dragonBones/armature/Armature.cpp \
                   ../../../Classes/dragonBones/armature/Bone.cpp \
                   ../../../Classes/dragonBones/armature/Slot.cpp \
                   ../../../Classes/dragonBones/core/BaseObject.cpp \
                   ../../../Classes/dragonBones/events/EventObject.cpp \
                   ../../../Classes/dragonBones/factories/BaseFactory.cpp \
                   ../../../Classes/dragonBones/model/AnimationData.cpp \
                   ../../../Classes/dragonBones/model/ArmatureData.cpp \
                   ../../../Classes/dragonBones/model/DragonBonesData.cpp \
                   ../../../Classes/dragonBones/model/FrameData.cpp \
                   ../../../Classes/dragonBones/model/TimelineData.cpp \
                   ../../../Classes/dragonBones/parsers/DataParser.cpp \
                   ../../../Classes/dragonBones/parsers/JSONDataParser.cpp \
                   ../../../Classes/dragonBones/textures/TextureData.cpp \
                   ../../../Classes/dragonBones/cocos2dx/CCArmatureDisplay.cpp \
                   ../../../Classes/dragonBones/cocos2dx/CCFactory.cpp \
                   ../../../Classes/dragonBones/cocos2dx/CCSlot.cpp \
*******Here the Integration is done ***********
**Build the project and enjoy :)************
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