[Solved]Google play services API Reference doc link broken

Dear sdkbox team,

I can’t find any api API Reference from the link provided, all was broken. Can you please take it back i really need it right now. thank

Thanks for reporting this issue, we’ll fix it ASAP

http://docs.sdkbox.com/en/api/gpg/js/index.html is online now.

Hi nite,
About gpg js; I am going to use app.js in sample code in git integrate into cocos creator, by add app.js into script folder and require file. like
var _context = require(‘app’);
if(_context === null){
_context = new Gpg…({…});
But _context is undefined error. How to Implement it?

try this:

if (_context === null) {
_context = new GPGContext(…)