[SOLVED] Function name not available on native

Hi @slackmoehrle, @jare

I got strange problem with Cocos Creator RC 1 engine. I manage event listener callbacks via function name (add/remove callback from array), it’s working fine on browser and native (before RC 1), but since I updated to Cocos Creator RC 1, when I refer to javascript function name, it’s "undefined"

Please help

Sorry I can’t follow, can you show me the example code?


Sorry I didn’t make it clear. I have a function like this addListener(event, fn, context, priority)
Within the function I called fn.bind(context) simple like that. I also access fn.name, on browser fn.name return the name of the function I passed to addListener method but on native it return undefined.

I don’t know if it’s a bug or not, had to do another way.
So basically, I solved my problem, let me marked it as SOLVED, but it may be helpful to describes it for you.


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I see, it should be a problem of SpiderMonkey. Function.name is not implemented in all platform. Thanks~